Each day is a challenge here, in more ways than one and as much as I want to get my next level...I'm glad I am only doing my 200 hours as I will definitely need a break for a little while. My body is sore, I'm exhausted and sometimes I just want to scream.
The culture here is still something I am trying to wrap my brain around. They are very passive here...if something doesn't get done they are like "oh well that's just the way it is, it will happen eventually." So when you are getting something fixed or need something done most of the time it won't be done when you ask, you may have to wait an extra day or two. I get it, it's okay if things aren't done, and it is nothing to stress about ... and each day I'm working on not getting so uptight and being calmer about things but it is extremely frustrating sometimes.
Most teacher's don't seem to give much encouragement or care to .... they may make comments and call you out in class or make a comment about your injuries and honestly... 'it can be demoralizing. I know this is my ego talking and that's what we are trying to stay away from but fuck....we are working our asses off. We are pushing our bodies and minds every day. Geez... I'm in the studio an hour and 15 minutes every morning before class starts and I go to yoga classes on our days off. My body is being pushed to it's limit... I'm working on my flexibility, my strength as well as learning to work with (and hopefully heal as much as possible) the injuries - new and old - that I have acquired over my life...this includes my broken foot that doesn't seem to like to balance me very well. Again, my ego talking but fuck... I have cried in three classes because of how I am pushing myself.
On my days off I enjoy myself instead of studying which probably isn't the greatest idea as I really needed to be studying but to be out and doing something besides yoga is a nice break. Don't get me wrong...I love the course but it can take a toll mentally and physically...however my body does not like me taking a day off so I need to stretch or go to an (asana) class so it doesn't yell at me the next day.
Wednesday we have a half day off so our second Wednesday they took us to a temple on the mountain to watch the sunrise. We left at 4am and took a bus up the windy mountain road. It wasn't as bad as the road going up to Machu Picchu but there were a few times my heart stopped...then I would feel Julie's hand on my lap and her say "it's fine, we are not gonna die." Can you guarantee this?!?
I of course sat in the window seat and watched the scenery go by. Road workers live at the site. They have shanti's that are literally tents covered with tarpaulin on the road. You see them sitting around a fire heating up breakfast and getting warm. The roads are narrow but the driver drove slow, he even had to back up at one point to let another vehicle pass ... I almost suggested I walk from there. This is it, this is where it ends. But it didn't - obviously - or you wouldn't be reading this right now.
I have seen a lot of sunsets around the world but this was enchanting. We climbed the wall on the outskirts of the temple and sat at the edge and watching as the sun rose over the foothills of the Himilayas. It kissed the horizon and then it lit up the hills, the houses in the villages and the windy streets below. As soon as we saw a bit of light behind the foothills everyone fells silent and held their breath. The 3:30 wake-up time and the near-heart attack drive was well worth the beauty that mother nature blesses us with. I'm hoping to experience it again while I am here.
That same night they took us to a ceremony on The Ganges. It was a lot of chanting and lot's of people. Julie and I wandered around and then met some guys who seemed quite interested in hanging out with us. "Do you want to go to the Mushroom Cafe?" one asked us. We looked at each other "umm, we are here studying and we have a curfew." They laughed at us. "It's not that type of cafe, that's just the name." We got their contact info to meet them on Sunday but it didn't happen.
Sunday we have a full day off so I got up early and went to a Hatha Yoga class at 8 am... everyone else of course was sleeping but I wanted to see what a class was like and I wanted to keep working on my strength. It was just me and another guy in the class. We ended up going for breakfast after class and just talking about yoga and travel. We made plans for Wednesday (which we have a half day off) to go to The Beatles Ashram.
I dressed for the occasion.
I am so glad we went. We had so much fun and the place is huge. I thought it was just one building but it's acres and acres of land ...when ever we got to one spot we saw more buildings...and one of the greatest things is that you get to go through the buildings, walk through the halls, walk up the staircases, look out the's really amazing. I would love to go back in tie and walk through it when it was in it's prime because it was probably incredible. Even though most of the place still stands there is not one thing that shows there were ever people there...there is not one piece of furniture, cup, blanket or anything to show that there was ever life - other than all the graffiti art.
We spent hours there taking pictures, enjoying the view and climbing staircases, going into rooms, going on the roofs and anywhere else we could get to. Walking through their (The Beatles) bungalow was pretty be where they once walked and played music was awesome.
I believe the whole White Album was written there and a few of their other songs as well - look at the top of the door frame in the photo. There are also a few other musicians who spent time there (with the Beatles) who wrote a song or two as well. It is really interesting to learn about the background to their songs and where their inspiration came from. If you want to read about it please click here this will take you to the Wikipedia page.
The whole place is falling apart but just like the rest of the dereliction in India it's beautiful with such a great vibe and energy running through it. I would highly recommend it to anyone planning to come to Rishikesh and so glad I spent my time off here.
My days are filled with classes. I've been working hard and it is paying off. We are now coming to the end of our course and I am physically able to do things I couldn't do four weeks ago. My alignment teacher has helped me work with my injuries and strengthen other area's. It's amazing and I feel great. My body is achy but I am really happy with my progress and as much as I am looking forward to being finished I am sad at the same time. You go through a lot with the people you are here with. Tears, physical and mental struggles, study sessions, lesson preparation and being a support group for each other. It's become my home ... yes lol even though it wasn't what I expected I have become quite comfortable...especially since my roommate left (she had to go back to work) I have taken over my room and taken advantage of having my own space. I am actually in my "loner" mode right now. I have kind of separated myself but only because I am feeling quiet and getting focused.
I have become close with one of the girls (Julie) - for those of you that follow my SnapChat she is the one that is usually in my stories. We have a tendency to be in our own world on our days off. We have met a few people outside of the school on our outings. Trent from Australia, Joe from the states who has helped us with Philosophy, Will from my Hatha Yoga class and Surya who is here studying Yoga Philosophy so he has helped us as well. We met him on Sunday. One of the teachers I met in Delhi was here so we met up and he was with them . There were 5 Canadians in total and Julie who is from Norway. There are so many Canadians here it's amazing lol...not that I am complaining...they are all so polite :).
Sunday when we met Justine (my friend I met in Delhi), one of the guys with her and her friends joined me and Julie to wander the streets and then to get our tattoos...yup I got my fingers done and we have another appointment for this coming Saturday.
After we went to a cafe we went to another one for dinner and met up with Justine and the others which is where we met Surya. It's been nice meeting people outside of the school, it's refreshing and just a change.
Now I sit at the Tree House Cafe. A cafe built up around a tree. The floor shakes when you walk on it but it's bright and sunny. Everything is bamboo with open walls, cushions around the tables and a chill vibe. It's my "me day." I am going to have a nice lunch and do some studying as our final exam is on Friday. I already had my practical on Sunday ( I taught a class.) I believe Julie is meeting up with me (of course) lol she took some time to go take some pictures.
Well, I know this wasn't over the top exciting but there are many adventures coming I promise and for those of you who don't already... please click my follow button for SnapChat as I snap mostly every day and take my viewers to places such as The Beatles Ashram.
I am feeling calmer and more relaxed though I really do miss Mexico but know this is where I am supposed to be in my life right now and I am okay with this... I need to be here right now. I am still working on some things but everything takes time - like the confusion I have here and being in a place where others don't respect your personal time and space. Learning to breath and accepting it. It's challenging and I am getting better not going off like a fire cracker but I know I will get there. I physically (other than being sore) feel great and mentally I am beginning to feel more balanced...the real challenge will be how I feel once I leave and apply what I have learned to my every day life.
Till next time.
- My Beautiful Life -
Each day is a challenge here, in more ways than one and as much as I want to get my next level...I'm glad I am only doing my 200 hours as I will definitely need a break for a little while. My body is sore, I'm exhausted and sometimes I just want to scream.
The culture here is still something I am trying to wrap my brain around. They are very passive here...if something doesn't get done they are like "oh well that's just the way it is, it will happen eventually." So when you are getting something fixed or need something done most of the time it won't be done when you ask, you may have to wait an extra day or two. I get it, it's okay if things aren't done, and it is nothing to stress about ... and each day I'm working on not getting so uptight and being calmer about things but it is extremely frustrating sometimes.
Most teacher's don't seem to give much encouragement or care to .... they may make comments and call you out in class or make a comment about your injuries and honestly... 'it can be demoralizing. I know this is my ego talking and that's what we are trying to stay away from but fuck....we are working our asses off. We are pushing our bodies and minds every day. Geez... I'm in the studio an hour and 15 minutes every morning before class starts and I go to yoga classes on our days off. My body is being pushed to it's limit... I'm working on my flexibility, my strength as well as learning to work with (and hopefully heal as much as possible) the injuries - new and old - that I have acquired over my life...this includes my broken foot that doesn't seem to like to balance me very well. Again, my ego talking but fuck... I have cried in three classes because of how I am pushing myself.
On my days off I enjoy myself instead of studying which probably isn't the greatest idea as I really needed to be studying but to be out and doing something besides yoga is a nice break. Don't get me wrong...I love the course but it can take a toll mentally and physically...however my body does not like me taking a day off so I need to stretch or go to an (asana) class so it doesn't yell at me the next day.
Wednesday we have a half day off so our second Wednesday they took us to a temple on the mountain to watch the sunrise. We left at 4am and took a bus up the windy mountain road. It wasn't as bad as the road going up to Machu Picchu but there were a few times my heart stopped...then I would feel Julie's hand on my lap and her say "it's fine, we are not gonna die." Can you guarantee this?!?
I of course sat in the window seat and watched the scenery go by. Road workers live at the site. They have shanti's that are literally tents covered with tarpaulin on the road. You see them sitting around a fire heating up breakfast and getting warm. The roads are narrow but the driver drove slow, he even had to back up at one point to let another vehicle pass ... I almost suggested I walk from there. This is it, this is where it ends. But it didn't - obviously - or you wouldn't be reading this right now.
I have seen a lot of sunsets around the world but this was enchanting. We climbed the wall on the outskirts of the temple and sat at the edge and watching as the sun rose over the foothills of the Himilayas. It kissed the horizon and then it lit up the hills, the houses in the villages and the windy streets below. As soon as we saw a bit of light behind the foothills everyone fells silent and held their breath. The 3:30 wake-up time and the near-heart attack drive was well worth the beauty that mother nature blesses us with. I'm hoping to experience it again while I am here.
That same night they took us to a ceremony on The Ganges. It was a lot of chanting and lot's of people. Julie and I wandered around and then met some guys who seemed quite interested in hanging out with us. "Do you want to go to the Mushroom Cafe?" one asked us. We looked at each other "umm, we are here studying and we have a curfew." They laughed at us. "It's not that type of cafe, that's just the name." We got their contact info to meet them on Sunday but it didn't happen.
Sunday we have a full day off so I got up early and went to a Hatha Yoga class at 8 am... everyone else of course was sleeping but I wanted to see what a class was like and I wanted to keep working on my strength. It was just me and another guy in the class. We ended up going for breakfast after class and just talking about yoga and travel. We made plans for Wednesday (which we have a half day off) to go to The Beatles Ashram.
I dressed for the occasion.
I am so glad we went. We had so much fun and the place is huge. I thought it was just one building but it's acres and acres of land ...when ever we got to one spot we saw more buildings...and one of the greatest things is that you get to go through the buildings, walk through the halls, walk up the staircases, look out the's really amazing. I would love to go back in tie and walk through it when it was in it's prime because it was probably incredible. Even though most of the place still stands there is not one thing that shows there were ever people there...there is not one piece of furniture, cup, blanket or anything to show that there was ever life - other than all the graffiti art.
We spent hours there taking pictures, enjoying the view and climbing staircases, going into rooms, going on the roofs and anywhere else we could get to. Walking through their (The Beatles) bungalow was pretty be where they once walked and played music was awesome.

The whole place is falling apart but just like the rest of the dereliction in India it's beautiful with such a great vibe and energy running through it. I would highly recommend it to anyone planning to come to Rishikesh and so glad I spent my time off here.
My days are filled with classes. I've been working hard and it is paying off. We are now coming to the end of our course and I am physically able to do things I couldn't do four weeks ago. My alignment teacher has helped me work with my injuries and strengthen other area's. It's amazing and I feel great. My body is achy but I am really happy with my progress and as much as I am looking forward to being finished I am sad at the same time. You go through a lot with the people you are here with. Tears, physical and mental struggles, study sessions, lesson preparation and being a support group for each other. It's become my home ... yes lol even though it wasn't what I expected I have become quite comfortable...especially since my roommate left (she had to go back to work) I have taken over my room and taken advantage of having my own space. I am actually in my "loner" mode right now. I have kind of separated myself but only because I am feeling quiet and getting focused.
I have become close with one of the girls (Julie) - for those of you that follow my SnapChat she is the one that is usually in my stories. We have a tendency to be in our own world on our days off. We have met a few people outside of the school on our outings. Trent from Australia, Joe from the states who has helped us with Philosophy, Will from my Hatha Yoga class and Surya who is here studying Yoga Philosophy so he has helped us as well. We met him on Sunday. One of the teachers I met in Delhi was here so we met up and he was with them . There were 5 Canadians in total and Julie who is from Norway. There are so many Canadians here it's amazing lol...not that I am complaining...they are all so polite :).
Sunday when we met Justine (my friend I met in Delhi), one of the guys with her and her friends joined me and Julie to wander the streets and then to get our tattoos...yup I got my fingers done and we have another appointment for this coming Saturday.
After we went to a cafe we went to another one for dinner and met up with Justine and the others which is where we met Surya. It's been nice meeting people outside of the school, it's refreshing and just a change.
Now I sit at the Tree House Cafe. A cafe built up around a tree. The floor shakes when you walk on it but it's bright and sunny. Everything is bamboo with open walls, cushions around the tables and a chill vibe. It's my "me day." I am going to have a nice lunch and do some studying as our final exam is on Friday. I already had my practical on Sunday ( I taught a class.) I believe Julie is meeting up with me (of course) lol she took some time to go take some pictures.
Well, I know this wasn't over the top exciting but there are many adventures coming I promise and for those of you who don't already... please click my follow button for SnapChat as I snap mostly every day and take my viewers to places such as The Beatles Ashram.
I am feeling calmer and more relaxed though I really do miss Mexico but know this is where I am supposed to be in my life right now and I am okay with this... I need to be here right now. I am still working on some things but everything takes time - like the confusion I have here and being in a place where others don't respect your personal time and space. Learning to breath and accepting it. It's challenging and I am getting better not going off like a fire cracker but I know I will get there. I physically (other than being sore) feel great and mentally I am beginning to feel more balanced...the real challenge will be how I feel once I leave and apply what I have learned to my every day life.
Till next time.
- My Beautiful Life -
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